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Offloading and relocation of production equipment

A worldwide company, which designs and manufactures electrical components for several industries, trusted us with the relocation of production equipment from their German plant to the Czech Republic Trutnov plant.

Prior to the commencement of work, a health and safety meeting was held by Beck & Pollitzer Czech team to explain the whole process. In addition, important documents such as risk assessments, method statements, lifting plans, H&S training, and applicable licenses were presented which were appreciated by the customer as some operations were high risk.

After the dismantling of the machinery in Germany, which was carried out by a local engineering company. The main scope of work for this machinery relocation project for our team was to unload the equipment and transport it to the 4th floor to the installation area. After 528 project hours, our team of 7 operatives successfully completed this project with the help of 5t Forklift trucks FLT and two mobile cranes 55t.

We are very pleased that the project was completed safely and on time – plus we could assist our client on their first international relocation project. Looking forward to working on another project together! As a company with 160 years of experience in providing engineering solutions to various industries, we can help you with every relocation project. Please contact one of your local offices.

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