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Machinery installation via exterior wall

Beck & Pollitzer installed machinery via an exterior wall!
This ThrowbackThursday is from the 1960s. It shows a challenging installation project for the Royal National Institute of the Blind.
The RNIB was first conceived as the British and Foreign Society for Improving the Embossed Literature of the Blind, in 1868. Its founder, Dr Thomas Artimage, was originally a physician who practiced in London, and then Turkey during the Crimean War. He eventually abandoned his career due to his own deteriorating sight, which gave birth to the idea of the society we now know as the Royal National Institute of the Blind.
In the 1960s, the society was a recognized chartered organization, with Queen Elizabeth II acting as its patron. It became the UK’s most prominent organisation for eye healthcare.
As the photo shows, Beck & Pollitzer was responsible for delivering machinery to the RNIB’s premises in London, which evidently presented a challenge: a sizeable piece of machinery needed to be hoisted by crane through the exterior of the building, in order for it to be installed in its desired location.
Today, Beck & Pollitzer provides machinery removal and installation services for a number of healthcare clients.

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