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Production Support during Covid-19 period

Beck & Pollitzer is providing production support during the Covid-19 period.

As the world grapples with the effects of Covid-19, each country is issuing containment and restriction measures. Your organisation may be facing disruptions to its core production.

This could be due to a reduced workforce, arising from restrictions of movement and non-availability of workers with children due to school closures. We are also seeing European non-domestic workers choosing to go back to their native country due to family pressure.

Beck & Pollitzer want to help our customers wherever possible through this period of upheaval.

We are realigning our local workforce to not only provide you with our usual range of services, but also to support your Core Production and Maintenance requirements.

Our teams of skilled engineers are stationed around the world. They can help you overcome shortages you may face in your organisation in areas such as:

  • Production and manufacturing
  • Maintenance support
  • Outages & repairs
  • Urgent production relocation
  • Factory re-purposing

Our employees are local, not restricted in travel, and will support your team to keep your production sites operational.

To find out more about production support during the Covid-19 period, contact us.