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Cutting Line Retrofit

Beck & Pollitzer is committed to keeping everything running smoothly for our clients.

Equipment maintenance & upgrade is a vital part of any business’s success. We recently undertook a retrofit project for a client in India, who required the dismantling and reinstallation of a cutting line at their world-class glass factory in Tamilnadu.

The project consisted of overhauling parts of the production line in order to make it suitable for a wider range of applications. Originally designed to manufacture a specific grade of glass, the Beck & Pollitzer team replaced the line so it could be used for architectural & automotive glass of various thicknesses.

This essential maintenance project was completed over several stages, including disassembling the rollers to access the inner section of the casing, disassembling the casing and inserting the new casing. Once the rollers were reassembled it required alignment and adjustment of each element using precision measurement tools to ensure the best possible performance.