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5S practices: How to use the 5s method to create a lean warehouse (Video)

5S waarehouse practices: How to use the 5s method to create a lean warehouse

5S practices are core to Beck & Pollitzer’s organisational method of lean warehousing. The 5S method comes from Japan and is outlined by five key tenets: Seiri (Sort), Seiton (Set in Order), Seiso (Shine), Seiketsu (Standardise), Shisuke (Sustain).

How can you learn from the 5S method to implement lean warehousing for your business? We have included in this article some simple tips to help your lean warehouse reach its potential.

Worksite arrangement

Installing additional lighting and placing workflow charts in their relevant areas of operation will aid the cohesion of workers and ensure higher rates of productivity.

Organise and mark the fire protection equipment zone

The fire protection zone must always be accessible and free of obstructions, and the zone should never be used for storing materials. If you stick to 5S practices, you will have an organised, flowing workspace so there should not be any temptation to clutter up this vital safety zone.

Identify any areas that can be classed as a hazardous area

Clearly defined markings on the floor will highlight to employees potentially hazardous/dangerous areas. Warehouses are becoming safer places to work than ever, but there are always going to be hazards in operation, so a clear designated hazardous/dangerous area marked in the warehouse (colour coded / hatched grids / lines, signed) will ensure a more safer working environment.

Organize wastepaper storage

A lean warehouse should be clutter-free, and the provision of a wastepaper storage area will help reduce the paper build up in unwanted areas around the warehouse, as well as reduce slipping and tripping hazards. This area should be equipped with proper fire safety management equipment.

5S board

The provision of a 5S board can help in highlighting the 5S requirements, plans, objectives for the warehouse employees and this board should contain all relevant information for your employees, including a warehouse plan, layout, team schedules, required ongoing 5S actions, and instructions as well as emergency numbers.

If you follow these 5s warehousing tips, you will ensure a happier and more positive workforce to their surroundings, a much safer and efficient warehouse, and help in making significant cost reductions to warehouse operations.

Beck & Pollitzer implement the 5S method in all of our warehouses, as can be seen from our video. A flowing, uncluttered workspace means employees are free to go about their tasks unhindered. By providing clear scheduling and organised floor plans it creates a lean, organised and efficient warehouse environment and a safe place for all its employees. A 5S warehouse is the beating heart of Beck & Pollitzer, supporting and keeping its operational activities working efficiently.

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